Wednesday, May 29, 2024

First Pigeon pea hybrid BDNPH 18-5 developed by ARS Badnapur of VNMKV

The Annual Group Meet of AICRP Kharif Pulses, ICAR-IIPR Kanpur, was held at ICRISAT, Hyderabad, from May 27-29, 2024. During the event, the hybrid BDNPH 18-5, developed by the Agriculture Research Station (ARS) Badnapur of VNMKV, Parbhani was identified for the Central Zone of India. This significant achievement marks the first pigeon pea hybrid developed by any Agricultural University in Maharashtra. BDNPH 18-5 is a white-seeded hybrid with an impressive productivity range of 1759-2159 kg/ha. It has a growth duration of 155 to 170 days, making it suitable for inclusion in various cropping systems. Notably, the hybrid exhibits moderate resistance to wilt and sterility mosaic disease, enhancing its viability and resilience.

The development of this hybrid was spearheaded by Dr. D. K. Patil and Dr. V. K. Gite, with crucial guidance and support from Dr. Indra Mani, Hon. Vice Chancellor, VNMKV, Parbhani. Dr. Indra Mani elaborated on the advantages of this hybrid, highlighting its potential to significantly improve agricultural productivity in the region. Dr. K. S. Baig, Director of Research, and Former Director of Research Dr. D. P. Waskar provided valuable support in the development of the hybrid. Dr. K. T. Jadhav, Officer Incharge, announced that efforts will be initiated promptly to commence a hybrid seed production program to ensure widespread availability to farmers.


Salient Features of BDNPH 18-5:

High Yielding Variety: Average yield of 1759-2159 kg/ha in the Central Zone.

Maturity: 155-160 days.

Seed Characteristics: White seeds with an average test weight of 10.46 g.

Cultivation Suitability: Ideal for cultivation in the Central Zone during the Kharif season.

Disease Resistance: Moderately resistant to wilt and sterility mosaic disease.

Pest Reaction: Lower pest reaction compared to checks.

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